You are 0% complete

Tell us a little about you

You are 8% complete

What is your nationality?

You are 17% complete

Are you a British Passport holder?

You are 25% complete

Do you have an address in the UK?

You are 33% complete

What is your current country of residence?

You are 42% complete

Do you have a National Insurance Number?

You are 50% complete

Do you have a UTR number?

You are 58% complete

When did you first leave the UK to start working offshore?

You are 67% complete

Have you filed a tax return since starting work as a seafarer?

You are 75% complete

Were you outside of the UK at midnight on the 13/03/25 - your 365th day since you started working at sea?

You are 83% complete

Since leaving the UK have you spent 183 days or more in any 365 day period in the UK?

You are 92% complete

If you work offshore please choose the type of vessel or offshore structure that you work on?