You are 0% complete

Tell us a little about you

You are 8% complete

Have you been physically present in SA for less than 91 days during the current tax year?

You are 17% complete

Have you been physically present in SA for less than 91 days in each of the 5 preceding tax years?

You are 25% complete

Have you been physically present in SA for less than 915 days in total for the 5 preceding tax years?

You are 33% complete

Are you a permanent tax resident in another country with which SA has a double taxation agreement?

You are 42% complete

Have you been physically present in SA for less than 330 days in the past two tax years after leaving SA?

You are 50% complete

Do you have a fixed residential address in SA?

You are 58% complete

The visits to SA, do they include regular visits to family?

You are 67% complete

Is your immediate family not living in SA (Parents, partner, children)?

You are 75% complete

Are you not permanently employed outside the borders of SA?

You are 83% complete

Do you own any property/investments/policies/bank accounts/financial interest in SA?

You are 92% complete

Are your personal belongings in SA?