You are 0% complete

Tell us a little about you

You are 8% complete

Which country where you born in?

You are 15% complete

Please state the nature of your work:

You are 23% complete

Do you spend more than a 183 days a year in Ireland?

You are 31% complete

Have you spent more than a 280 in Ireland over a period of two consecutive tax years?

You are 38% complete

Do you have a permanent home available to you in Ireland (though not necessarily owned by you)?

You are 46% complete

Do you have a permanent home in your country of birth?

You are 54% complete

Do you currently work in Ireland?

You are 62% complete

Do you have financial assets in Ireland?

You are 69% complete

Does your spouse live in Ireland?

You are 77% complete

Do your children live in Ireland?

You are 85% complete

Where do you tend to spend more time in a calendar year?

You are 92% complete

What is your nationality?